Adult Day Training (ADT)
is a training program that is designed to support adults with developmental disabilities in daily valued routines of the community, which may include working in community-based settings. The program is designed to address areas of need identified on the individual’s support plan. Areas of need may include self-advocacy, self help, socialization, communication, activities of daily living, sub-contract work, and community-based work crews.
Transportation is provided to the Center, as well as, to community work sites and community outings.
Motor Sensory Activity allows for a much higher staff to client ratio at 1:5 or 1:3 for those with more specialized needs. Participants in this area are provided more personal care including toileting, feeding, and other areas of personal management.
Community Services
Community Services involves Supported Employment and Supported Living.
Supported Employment offers services in competitive employment for interested individuals. The Center works with Vocational Rehabilitation and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to place participants who need assistance finding employment, acclimating to a job, or on-the-job training. A placement specialist assists the individuals with job development, job placement, and on-site job training. Long-term follow-along support is available to individuals who need it. Participants not needing long-term support are placed in competitive employment under time-limited job coaching.
Supported Living provides individualized support services to persons with developmental disabilities wishing to live in their own home. With the support of a coach, training is provided in activities of daily living and social skills as identified in the support plan. Community integration, independent living skills, and health and safety are areas that may be covered with the training depending on the individuals’ needs. The supported living coach may also assist in developing skills such as balancing a checkbook, maintaining household accounts, meal planning, grocery shopping, etc. Assistance with healthcare appointments is also available. Personal supports may be provided as part of supported living services if needed.