Company Profile
The Opportunity Center, Inc. was established in 1970 by concerned citizens and parents as a training facility for individuals with developmental disabilities in Osceola County. Throughout the years, the Center expanded its services to include adult day training, transportation, landscaping, cleaning crews, in-home supports, competitive employment, supported employment, and supported living services. The intent of The Opportunity Center’s services is to support the individuals we serve in choosing and performing valued roles in the community, in acquiring or improving their functional skills and increasing their independence in all areas of their lives.
Individuals participating in the Adult Day Training program receive training based on their support plan goals in the areas of daily living, academics, safety and social skills. Individuals are also offered opportunities to volunteer in different areas, to give back to the community, such as the Meals on Wheels program and are encouraged to participate in community integration and recreational activities. Individuals in this area are served at a 1:10 ratio.
Individuals requiring more extensive services are offered training in areas of personal care, pre-vocational skills, and activities of daily living. Participants are provided needed services including toileting, feeding and other areas of personal management. Positioning is available under the oversight of a physical therapist, if this service is in the individual’s support plan. Participants in this area receive a much higher staff to client ratio of either 1:5 or 1:3.
Our mobile work crew is a group of five participants with one supervisor with one goal in mind–cleaning up the community. These crews are contracted by area businesses to clean up parking lots, bathroom facilities, meeting facilities, etc.
Supported employment services and supported living services are offered to interested individuals who would like to work in competitive employment and/or live on their own. These services are under the supervision of a coach who assists the individuals in necessary skills to succeed at their goals and dreams.
Management Team
Eligibility Requirements
No one will be denied services on the basis of race, creed, national origin, gender, religion, or maximum age.